
The power of positive thinking

While reading my daily horoscope, I found this: The Daily AstroSlam. Here are a few examples of what you can enjoy.

Yesterday: Don't dive headfirst into a new health regimen today. Your muscles might go into shock since it's been so long since you last attempted to do anything physical.

Today: You're more easily agitated than Oscar the Grouch today. I suggest that you hide in that trash can you call home until you can find it within your heart to be nice to people.

Tomorrow: You'll act totally irrational today. Not that it's a new mood for you. Try to remain level-headed so you don't go off the deep-end. Chances are, you'll hit your head.

It's sad how accurate these are. I'm worried about tomorrow...


Jed and Stacey said...

Wow, accurate for you and me both :)

Shannon said...

Kacey, Kacey, Kacey...in regards to your request of a pregnant picture of myself...um...it's on it's way! You could probably "draw" a better pic than I could send! Also, thanks for the great bath tub in a tree idea...that seems like a perfect way to keep cool while pregnant!There's a good image for ya...Shannon sitting in a bath tub, sitting in a tree, while HUGELY pregnant!

Tortoise said...

You are definitely an inspiration Ms. Shannon. Just you wait.