
Rattlesnake Suicide: is the road really the best place to sunbathe?

The Hare always has his eye to the ground, in hopes of a reptile sighting. The family likes to contribute to this insanity. His grandpa called the other day to tell him there was a rattlesnake in the road. Lets try to capture his excitement...

Forget it, that takes too much energy; right now I'm running on reserves.

Just imagine him taking off at a run, in order to view this blessed event. Upon arrival, they found that the snake had been run over and was now dead. Luckily, the Hare was able to benefit by bringing home a new snakeskin. Wahoo! He wants me to sew it onto a band for his "reptile adventure" hat.

Hmmm... now imagine my excitement.


Jed and Stacey said...

I can just feel your excitement..

f.u.n.! genealogy said...

Yep-a busy highway is the very best place for rattlesnakes to sunbathe!!

Argusknows said...

I seem to remember seeing rattle snakes sleeping on the highway and rabbits playing chicken with the cars... :-)