

What kind of crazy word is that? All I know is that I have been 'given' 10 days off.. UNPAID! Wahoo. At least I still have my job, this month. :) On the upside, this will provide some extra study time.

Something to think about....

"It's better to have loved and lost than to have to do forty pounds of laundry a week." Laurence J. Peter


Here's hoping

Procrastination free semester. That's the goal. We'll see how long it lasts. I think that blogging was my way of purposely procrastinating last semester. It worked pretty well. Those last few weeks were a whirlwind. This time around is going well so far, considering it's the first week of my LAST semester! I have motivation though... (I found this while blogstalking and can't remember who provided it. Bad form for a future librarian)

1. The amount of dread you feel is directly proportional to the feeling of relief you'll feel once you simply complete the dreaded task. (For me, that's usually discussion boards for online class.)

2. The longer you put something off, the more perplexed you'll be that you just didn't do the thing you were dreading sooner. (Duh! I always think that after the fact. ugh.)

Back to work I go, or maybe studying for that stupid GRE test. I don't even have time to blow it off. I guess it's better that way.


I can't imagine where he learns this stuff.

The youngest nephew(18mos) is getting too big for his britches. While I was cooking dinner last night, he was making his way through the kitchen with some toys. His mom caught him halfway and told him to put them back in his room. He thought for a minute, then turned to me and said "I don't want them." He stood there waiting for me to take the toys. Of course I did, I'm a pushover. As soon as they were in my hands, he pointed to his room and told me to go put them away. He wanted to go watch Diego. It was hard work resisting the impulse to throw the toys at his head.